love letters to glorious god

Monday, February 26, 2007


Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 7:20-21

The Strokes of a pen can change the world.
The Voice of a Virtuaso captivates the people.
The Touch and Caress of fingers comfort or destroy a man.
.....I could go on but the pen is still mightier.

Praise you Lord, thank you for this wonderful productive day, a step closer to victory, a step closer to you, a growing of myself in stature and love. strength to strength, grace to grace, bringing your name from glory to glory.
thank you Lord.

And yes, I was just wondering, perhaps if I were your pen because the pen seems to be the mightiest of all the instrument of man, stronger than the caress of a women or the music of men. Will I ever run out of ink? You fill me.

I wana live, wana love you more.


Sunday, February 25, 2007


Apart from you Lord, Am I really that inately alienated?
It was because of Father Adam thats why you cant be in us, right? But thank you for Jesus, phew! I really cannot imagine how I have come this far without you, eventhough its not that far at least its far, haha.

So in my soul which comprises of my, mind, will and emotions which part is still in degeneracy?
Its definately my mind, will and emotion.
Oh man! Thats everything.
And so I cannot curse at my discontent so what do I do? Argh!
Sing thats a good idea, it really is my middle name, Singh.
Thats so true actually, the best thing to do is praise and the worst thing is to condemn, and who better to praise than you.
Thank you Lord.

Always for you,

Friday, February 23, 2007


Dear Lord,
Why is it that I cannot write eventhough I can?
I am restless, impatient, maybe even tired of repressing the fire of zeal! lest in my youthful energy be branded a foolish zealot! Tired. How much does one need to to know, to know if he is acting in wisdom and not passion. Let me know what I can glorify for your name and give me the courage and give me the the tenacity of patience to glorify you.
(dEPRAVED Dissolute decay degenaRate DIshonouRable decadent
dIsReputeble devIant debase degRaded dIssIpated Debauched
Despicable deterIorate declIne debilitate)
Sin is more destructive than I thought, worst than cancer.
It actually makes me weaker, stupid!
Am I to sin that your grace abound? By NO mean! How can I? If I am dead to you.
Lord How long does it take to sanctify, purify. When? how? can i be that polished diamond glorifying your name.
Your Staff pokes me everyday, which is good, thanks Lord.
Fill me with
peace not restlessness
cell group not voidless chatter
love not ambition
purity not pornography
your will not mine
humility not pride
wisdom not foolishness......
Jesus the time has come for you to be glorified.
Lord let me manage myself when others appear to me as people who are hard to love. I cant make eveyone happy and be politically correct eveywhere, let me be in your very good book of good books.
Servant of the floor,
Rajwin SIngh Sandhu
