love letters to glorious god

Friday, July 21, 2006


Lord, I Love you, I love you, had a wonderful time at New Creation, Lord I look to YOu and only you, i imitate you. You save me, yes, by grace, You Lord, and my eye will be kept on you. I know you change me, with your fire that burns the chaff. Lord I want to look like you.

I want to follow you, Lord I love you.
My mind in your word and your word in my mind,
my will in Christ and Christ in my will,
My emotions in your holy spirit and the holy spirit in my emotions.
"Mind Willl Emotions" and "The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit".
Perfect Trinity, The blueprint of all relationships
O Lord how my soul longeth for thee.

Jesus my heart burns for you, I want more of you Lord,
I'm addicted to your sweet presence,

Today Lord, I walk pass a Pub, Dont know how i use to like such an atmosphere,
Lord help me to see scantly clad women as your daughters, your children,
Lord I do not want to sin against your precious creation, its too painful for me, Forgive me,
Lord kill my worldly eyes I beg thee, please, I'm serious. I want to love purely like Jesus.
I humbly come to thee, change me
I thnk you Lord, you have fiercely pull me up, change me, Lord I will never be the same.
I will love as you loved. moved with compassion, pity. Jesus O Jesus, I love you.

I'm sharing tommorow and Amar told me what I was going to say tommorow, Phrophets speak the same language? Wow. anyway thanks of letting the message be clear. That time, that momment. Lord wow, your gona pour out your spirit. Wow. Your awesome.

Im so saturated with your spirit Lord, with what you have pour into me i will use your strength to pour out. Lord, i thank you, you have remembered your servant. I love you.

Cuddle me in Your Love Lord, My eyes are tired i'm so sleepy but Lord I'm Rejoicing. I love you Jesus. I will Rejoice to sleep. And tommorow sweet morning, Lord your too good to me. I thank you with all i have. i love you. Muah

Lord, I slept at 3 last night, wow, anyone this is a sweet morning, gona have breakfast, pray ofr my msg latter, call sukhdave and maybe go shopping. we'll see ok i'll do as you prompt. but for now breakfast is good, Lord I want to tell you that i do a Daniel fast for you because I love you, and i want to learn to become more than you. I'm very transparent and I stop trying to keep a secret cause its a bit hard for me to keep secrets, Well Lord, Please deliver me today from temptations and thanks for leading me to your sweet righteousness, I love you. And yes i'll read some chapters of your lovely word.

I will labour into the rest sweet God
I love you. muah

"Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day's journey into the desert. He came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. 'I have had enough, LORD,' he said. 'Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.' Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep. "All at once an angel touched him and said, 'Get up and eat.' He looked around, and there by his head was a cake of bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again. "The angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, 'Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.' So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God." 1 Kings 19:3-8

Feed me Lord, that i can complete the journey.


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